Stratagem Directory

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Stratagem Sequence Music


     Click on the links below to hear these Stratagem Sequence period albums.

Fear Facer


Reversals: Fear Facer


Combos: Fear Facer


Verge Verde


Reversals: Verge Verde


Combos: Verge Verde


Series World

Reversals: Series World

Combos: Series World

From 2013 to 2022 I would create yearly instrumental albums. within that time, from 2017 to 2018, I created a series music that would serve to inspire scenes for my novel trilogy Stratagem Sequence, a futuristic sports comedy.

I recorded original albums, copied and reversed them to create reversal albums, then fused both mixes together to create combo albums.

In 2016 I recorded Fear Facer, Reversals: Fear Facer, and Combos: Fear Facer.

in 2017 I recorded Verge Verde, Reversals: Verge Verde and Combos: Verge Verde  

In 2018 I recorded Series World. Reversal Series Word and Combos Series World are on the way.

In the upcoming Sequence Renaissance Project the songs on these albums will be taken and rearranged in a Stratagem Sequence compilation album in the order of the scene the track inspires
Collect these Stratagem Sequence period albums in the meantime.